
A Slider component for displaying current value

  • <Slider> Slide input controls.
  • <RangeSlider> Slide range input controls.


import { Slider, RangeSlider } from 'rsuite';

// or
import Slider from 'rsuite/Slider';
import RangeSlider from 'rsuite/RangeSlider';






Disabled and read only

Show value (Controlled)


Limit starting value to be no greater than 25 and ending value to be no smaller than 35.





Keyboard Interaction

  • ArrowRight, ArrowUp: Increase the value of the slider by one step.
  • ArrowLeft, ArrowDown: Decrease the value of the slider by one step.
  • Home: Set the slider to the first allowed value in its range.
  • End: Set the slider to the last allowed value in its range.

WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties

  • The element serving as the focusable slider control has role slider.
  • The slider element has the aria-valuenow property set to a decimal value representing the current value of the slider.
  • If the value of aria-valuenow is not user-friendly, the aria-valuetext property is set to a string that makes the slider value understandable. You can change the name with the getAriaValueText or aria-valuetext prop.
<Slider getAriaValueText={value => `${value}MB`} />
  • The slider element has the aria-valuemin property set to a decimal value representing the minimum allowed value of the slider.
  • The slider element has the aria-valuemax property set to a decimal value representing the maximum allowed value of the slider.

  • If the slider is vertically oriented, it has aria-orientation set to vertical. The default value of aria-orientation for a slider is horizontal.

  • If the slider has a visible label, it is referenced by aria-labelledby on the slider element. Otherwise, the slider element has a label provided by aria-label.

  <label id="slider-label">Memory size</label>
  <Slider aria-labelledby="slider-label" />



Property Type (Default) Description
barClassName string A css class to apply to the Bar DOM node
defaultValue number Default value
disabled boolean The disabled of component
getAriaValueText (value: number) => string; Provide a user-friendly name for the current value of the slider
graduated boolean Show Ticks
handleClassName string A css class to apply to the Handle node
handleStyle CSSProperties A css style to apply to the Handle node
handleTitle ReactNode Customizing what is displayed inside a handle
max number(100) Maximum sliding range
min number(0) Minimum value of sliding range
onChange (value: number) => void Callback function that changes data
onChangeCommitted (value: number, event) => void; Callback function that is fired when the mouseup is triggered
progress boolean Show sliding progress bar
renderMark (mark: number) => ReactNode Customize labels on the render ruler
step number(1) Slide the value of one step
tooltip boolean(true) Whether to show Tooltip when sliding
value number Value (Controlled)
vertical boolean Vertical Slide


Property Type (Default) Description
barClassName string A css class to apply to the Bar DOM node
constraint (value: [number, number]) => boolean Validate next value before onChange is triggered. Prevent onChange being triggered if constraint returns false
defaultValue [number,number] Default value
disabled boolean The disabled of component
getAriaValueText (value: number,eventKey:'start'|'end') => string; Provide a user-friendly name for the current value of the slider
graduated boolean Show Ticks
handleClassName string A css class to apply to the Handle node
handleStyle CSSProperties A css style to apply to the Handle node
handleTitle ReactNode Customizing what is displayed inside a handle
max number(100) Maximum sliding range
min number(0) Minimum value of sliding range
onChange (value: [number,number]) => void Callback function that changes data
onChangeCommitted (value: [number,number], event) => void; Callback function that is fired when the mouseup is triggered
progress boolean Show sliding progress bar
renderMark (mark: number) => ReactNode Customize labels on the render ruler
step number(1) Slide the value of one step
tooltip boolean(true) Whether to show Tooltip when sliding
value [number,number] Value (Controlled)
vertical boolean Vertical Slide
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